Wednesday, June 30, 2010
តើការស្រលាញ់របស់អ្នក និងដៃគូរបស់អ្នកជាការស្រលាញ់ប្រភេទណាដែរ? ជម្រៅ នៃសេចក្ដីស្រលាញ់ និងប្រភេទនៃការស្រលាញ់របស់មនុស្សម្នាក់ៗតែងតែមានកំរិត និងប្រភេទខុសៗគ្នា។ ខាងក្រោមនេះ គឺជាប្រភេទនៃសេចក្ដីស្រលាញ់មួយចំនួនដែល Dr. Loveបានស្រាវជ្រាវរកឃើញ។
សេចក្ដីស្រលាញ់រូម៉ែនទិច (Romantic Love) ៖ គូស្នេហ៍តែងតែគិតនឹកដល់ដៃគូជានិច្ច និង មានការប្រច័ណ្ឌដៃគូ ប្រសិនបើឃើញដៃគូនៅជាមួយស្រី រឺប្រុសផ្សេងៗ ប៉ុន្ដែចេះលើកលែងអោយគ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក។ ការស្រលាញ់បែបនេះ គឺជាការស្រលាញ់ដោយមានការទាក់ទាញចិត្ដ តាមរយៈរូបសម្បត្ដិខាងក្រៅ ហើយដៃគូម្ខាងៗតែងតែព្យាយាមធ្វើយ៉ាងណាអោយដឹងថាគេបានទទួល នូវការឆ្លើយតប ពីការស្រលាញ់របស់ដៃគូវិញ។
សេចក្ដីស្រលាញ់ស្មោះស្ម័គ្រ (Faithful love)៖ដៃគូស្នេហាហាន់លះបង់ និងបូជាចំពោះអ្នកដែលខ្លួនស្រលាញ់ស្មោះស្មគ្រ័ ដោយមិនគិតរំពឹងនូវការតបស្នងអ្វីឡើយ។ គូស្នេហ៍មានភាពទន់ភ្លន់ ចេះយល់ចិត្ដ និង យកចិត្ដទុកដាក់ ថែមទាំងមានការទទួលខុសត្រូវទៀតផង។
សេចក្ដីស្រលាញ់ដោយមត្ដិភាព (Best friend love)៖គឺជាចំណងមិត្ដភាពមួយ ដែលដៃគូមានការរីករាយ និងភាពស្និទ្ធស្នាលរវាង ចំណងមេត្រីភាពនឹងគ្នា។ ជាចំណងមិត្ដភាពមួយដែលមានផាសុខភាព សប្បាយរីករាយ ទុកចិត្ដគ្នា និងមានការតាំងចិត្ដ ក្នុងការថែរក្សាដើម្បីបង្កើនចំណងមិត្ដភាពនេះ។
សេចក្ដីស្រលាញ់ចំពោះឪពុកម្ដាយ (Parental love) ៖ ជាសេចក្ដីស្រលាញ់ថ្នាក់ថ្នមមួយដែលមិនអាចកាត់ថ្លៃបានរវាងឪពុកម្តាយទៅកូន ឬពីកូនទៅឪពុកម្តាយ។
អ្នកមានអារម្មណ៍ថាក្រៀមក្រំចិត្ត ឯកោ មិនចង់ទទួលទានចំណីអាហារ រឺ ក៏ចង់សំងំខ្លួននៅក្នុងបន្ទប់ដោយមិនចង់ជួប នរណានៅពេលដែលសង្សារ រឺ ដៃគូរបស់អ្នកប្រាប់អ្នកថា រឿងយើងទាំងពីរនាក់ត្រូវចប់ហើយ? ការធ្វើបាបខ្លួនឯងបែប នេះគឺជាកត្តាមិនគួរគប្បីសោះ។ យ៉ាងណាម៉ិញ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកមានវិបត្តិស្នេហា អ្នកត្រូវចងចាំថាអ្នកមិនមែនជាមនុស្ស ឯកោឡើយ។ បើដូច្នេះខាងក្រោមនេះគឺជាយុទ្ធសាស្ត្រ ៥ យ៉ាងសំរាប់ជួយអ្នកមានវិបត្តិស្នេហាទាំងឡាយដើម្បីកាត់បន្ថយ នូវបញ្ហាផ្លូវចិត្តទាំងនោះ៖
1. ប្រាប់នរណាម្នាក់អោយយល់ពីអារម្មណ៍របស់អ្នក៖ ស្វែងរកមិត្តណាម្នាក់ដែលអ្នកទុកចិត្ត រឺក៏នរណាដែលអាចពិភាក្សាពីអារម្មណ៍របស់អ្នកបាន និង នរណាម្នាក់ដែលអាចយល់ពីអារម្មណ៍របស់អ្នក។
សេចក្ដីស្រលាញ់រូម៉ែនទិច (Romantic Love) ៖ គូស្នេហ៍តែងតែគិតនឹកដល់ដៃគូជានិច្ច និង មានការប្រច័ណ្ឌដៃគូ ប្រសិនបើឃើញដៃគូនៅជាមួយស្រី រឺប្រុសផ្សេងៗ ប៉ុន្ដែចេះលើកលែងអោយគ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក។ ការស្រលាញ់បែបនេះ គឺជាការស្រលាញ់ដោយមានការទាក់ទាញចិត្ដ តាមរយៈរូបសម្បត្ដិខាងក្រៅ ហើយដៃគូម្ខាងៗតែងតែព្យាយាមធ្វើយ៉ាងណាអោយដឹងថាគេបានទទួល នូវការឆ្លើយតប ពីការស្រលាញ់របស់ដៃគូវិញ។
សេចក្ដីស្រលាញ់ស្មោះស្ម័គ្រ (Faithful love)៖ដៃគូស្នេហាហាន់លះបង់ និងបូជាចំពោះអ្នកដែលខ្លួនស្រលាញ់ស្មោះស្មគ្រ័ ដោយមិនគិតរំពឹងនូវការតបស្នងអ្វីឡើយ។ គូស្នេហ៍មានភាពទន់ភ្លន់ ចេះយល់ចិត្ដ និង យកចិត្ដទុកដាក់ ថែមទាំងមានការទទួលខុសត្រូវទៀតផង។
សេចក្ដីស្រលាញ់ដោយមត្ដិភាព (Best friend love)៖គឺជាចំណងមិត្ដភាពមួយ ដែលដៃគូមានការរីករាយ និងភាពស្និទ្ធស្នាលរវាង ចំណងមេត្រីភាពនឹងគ្នា។ ជាចំណងមិត្ដភាពមួយដែលមានផាសុខភាព សប្បាយរីករាយ ទុកចិត្ដគ្នា និងមានការតាំងចិត្ដ ក្នុងការថែរក្សាដើម្បីបង្កើនចំណងមិត្ដភាពនេះ។
សេចក្ដីស្រលាញ់ចំពោះឪពុកម្ដាយ (Parental love) ៖ ជាសេចក្ដីស្រលាញ់ថ្នាក់ថ្នមមួយដែលមិនអាចកាត់ថ្លៃបានរវាងឪពុកម្តាយទៅកូន ឬពីកូនទៅឪពុកម្តាយ។
អ្នកមានអារម្មណ៍ថាក្រៀមក្រំចិត្ត ឯកោ មិនចង់ទទួលទានចំណីអាហារ រឺ ក៏ចង់សំងំខ្លួននៅក្នុងបន្ទប់ដោយមិនចង់ជួប នរណានៅពេលដែលសង្សារ រឺ ដៃគូរបស់អ្នកប្រាប់អ្នកថា រឿងយើងទាំងពីរនាក់ត្រូវចប់ហើយ? ការធ្វើបាបខ្លួនឯងបែប នេះគឺជាកត្តាមិនគួរគប្បីសោះ។ យ៉ាងណាម៉ិញ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកមានវិបត្តិស្នេហា អ្នកត្រូវចងចាំថាអ្នកមិនមែនជាមនុស្ស ឯកោឡើយ។ បើដូច្នេះខាងក្រោមនេះគឺជាយុទ្ធសាស្ត្រ ៥ យ៉ាងសំរាប់ជួយអ្នកមានវិបត្តិស្នេហាទាំងឡាយដើម្បីកាត់បន្ថយ នូវបញ្ហាផ្លូវចិត្តទាំងនោះ៖
1. ប្រាប់នរណាម្នាក់អោយយល់ពីអារម្មណ៍របស់អ្នក៖ ស្វែងរកមិត្តណាម្នាក់ដែលអ្នកទុកចិត្ត រឺក៏នរណាដែលអាចពិភាក្សាពីអារម្មណ៍របស់អ្នកបាន និង នរណាម្នាក់ដែលអាចយល់ពីអារម្មណ៍របស់អ្នក។
2. ថែរក្សាខ្លួនអ្នកអោយបានល្អ៖ ការមានវិបត្តិស្នេហ៍អាចធ្វើអោយយើងមានអារម្មណ៍ពិបាកក្នុងចិត្ត យ៉ាងខ្លាំងដូចនេះហើយ សូមកុំបណ្តោយខ្លួនអ្នកធ្លាក់ក្នុងអន្លង់ដ៏ជ្រៅបែបនេះអោយសោះ។អ្វីដែលអ្នកគួរ ធ្វើនោះគឺគេងអោយបានគ្រប់គ្រាន់ ទទួលទានចំណីអាហារឆ្ងាញ់ៗ និង អោយបានគ្រប់គ្រាន់ ធ្វើលំហាត់ ប្រាណជាប្រចាំ និងអោយតំលៃទៅលើខ្លួនអ្នក និងកុំអស់ស់ង្ឃឹមក្នុងចិត្តឡើយ។
3. រំលឹកនូវអ្វីដែលអ្នកធ្លាប់ទទួលភាពជោគជ័យកន្លងមក៖ រំលឹកនូវរាល់គុណសម្បត្តិ របស់អ្នក ដែលមានកន្លងមក និង គិតអ្វីដែលល្អអំពីអ្នក ហើយប្រសិនបើអ្នកគិតមិនឃើញដោយសារតែអ្នក មានវិបត្តិស្នេហ៍នោះអ្នកអាចអោយមិត្តរបស់អ្នក ជួយរកនឹកនូវអ្វីដែលអ្នកធ្លាប់បានទទួលជោគជ័យ កន្លងមក។ កុំបារម្ភសអ្វី អ្នកជាមនុស្សម្នាក់ដ៏អស្ចារ្យ ហើយក៏មានមនុស្សជាច្រើនដែលគេនៅចាំគាំទ្រ អ្នកផងដែរ។
3. រំលឹកនូវអ្វីដែលអ្នកធ្លាប់ទទួលភាពជោគជ័យកន្លងមក៖ រំលឹកនូវរាល់គុណសម្បត្តិ របស់អ្នក ដែលមានកន្លងមក និង គិតអ្វីដែលល្អអំពីអ្នក ហើយប្រសិនបើអ្នកគិតមិនឃើញដោយសារតែអ្នក មានវិបត្តិស្នេហ៍នោះអ្នកអាចអោយមិត្តរបស់អ្នក ជួយរកនឹកនូវអ្វីដែលអ្នកធ្លាប់បានទទួលជោគជ័យ កន្លងមក។ កុំបារម្ភសអ្វី អ្នកជាមនុស្សម្នាក់ដ៏អស្ចារ្យ ហើយក៏មានមនុស្សជាច្រើនដែលគេនៅចាំគាំទ្រ អ្នកផងដែរ។
4. កុំអោយខ្លួនឯងនៅទំនេរ៖ នេះគឺជាពេលវេលាដ៏ល្អសំរាប់ធ្វើការតុបតែងកែលំអបន្ទប់ អានរឿងកំប្លែងលេងកីឡា រឺ ក៏ស្វែងរកនូវសកម្មភាពថ្មីៗដើម្បីកំសាន្ត។ នេះមិនមែនមានន័យថាអ្នកមិនខ្វល់នូវអ្វីៗដែលកើតឡើងជុំវិញនោះទេ គឺ គ្រាន់តែអោយអ្នកផ្តោតទៅលើអ្វីប្លែកហើយល្អសំរាប់អ្នកតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។
1.ការរំលោភបំពានលើផ្លូវភេទ៖ ការរំលោភបំពានលើផ្លូវភេទ គឺ ជាកាបង្ខិតបង្ខំនរណាម្នាក់ ដើម្បីសកម្មភាពផ្លូវភេទហើយវាជាកត្ដាមួយ ដែលមិនសក្តិសមទាល់តែសោះ ក្នុងការបង្ខំបុគ្គលណាម្នាក់ រឺ ដៃគូរបស់ខ្លួនអោយគេធ្វើអ្វីដែលគេមិនអាចទទួលយកបាន។
តើអ្នកធ្លាប់មានអារម្មណ៍ស្រលាញ់នណាម្នាក់ បន្ទាប់ពីអ្នកបានជួប ឬនិយាយឆ្លើយឆ្លងជាមួយគេ មួយរយៈកន្លងមកដែរឬទេ? អ្នកអាចនឹងមានចម្ងល់ថា ហេតុអ្វីបានជាអ្នកមានអារម្មណ៍បែបនេះជាមួយតែបុគ្គលម្នាក់នោះ ខុសប្លែកពីអ្នកដ៏ទៃ ? អារម្មណ៍ទាំងនេះគឺជាសញ្ញាដែលបញ្ជាក់ថា អ្នកកំពុងចាប់ផ្ដើមស្នេហាទៅលើមនុស្សម្នាក់នោះដោយមិនដឹងខ្លួនហើយ ឬក៏គេហៅថាធ្លាក់ក្នុងអន្លង់ស្នេហ៍នោះឯង។
មានមូលហេតុជាច្រើនដែលជំរុញចិត្ដអ្នកអោយធា្លក់ក្នុងអន្លង់ស្នេហ៍ជាមួយ នឹងគេដោយមិនបានដឹងខ្លួន។ សំរាប់លេខនេះ ដុកទ័រឡូវសូមឡើកយកតែកក្ដាសំខាន់មកជម្រាបជូនដូចតទៅ ៖
រូបសម្បត្ដិ គឺជាចំនុចដំបូងដែលទាក់ទាញការចាប់អារម្មណ៍របស់អ្នក។ មានអ្នកខ្លះបានលង់ស្រលាញ់គេ ចាប់តាំងតែពីបានជួបគ្នា លើកដំបូងមកម្លេះ។ ហើយអ្នកខ្លះទៀតគឺលង់ស្រលាញ់គេ ដោយសារតែគេមានរូបរាងស្រដៀង ទៅនឹងមនុស្ស ឬនិមិត្ដរូបជាទីស្រលាញ់ ដែលធ្លាប់់ផ្ដល់ភាពកក់ក្ដៅ ភាពសប្បាយរីករាយដល់ខ្លួន នៅក្នុងគ្រាអតីតកាល ឬក៏តាំងពីនៅកុមារភាពមក។
ក្លិនក្រអូបៈ ក្លិនក្រអូបនៃ ផ្កា ទឹកអប និងសំភារៈផ្សេងៗទៀត គឺសុទ្ធតែជាកត្ដាជំរុញបន្ថែម នៅក្នុងពិភពទំនាក់ទំនង រ៉ូមែនទិចនេះផងដែរ។ - ការយក ចិត្ដទុកដាក់របស់គេចំពោះអ្នកៈ សកម្មភាពទាំងឡាយផ្សេងៗទៀតដែលគេបានធ្វើចំពោះអ្នក ឬដើម្បីអ្នក គឺសុទ្ធតែអាចទាញយកការចាប់អារម្មណ៍របស់អ្នកបន្ដិចម្ដងៗ រហូតធ្វើអោយអ្នកធ្លាក់ក្នុងអន្លងស្នេហ៍ជាមួយគេ។
សញ្ញាទាក់ទាញភេទផ្ទុយគ្នា (Love pheromones): សញ្ញាមួយចំនួនទៀត ដែលយើងមើលមិនឃើញ ក៏ជាចំណែកមួយ ធ្វើអោយអ្នកធ្លាក់ក្នុងអន្លងស្នេហ៍ផងដែរ។ សញ្ញាហ្វឺរឺម៉ូន (pheromones) គឺជាសញ្ញាដែលបញ្ចូនទៅ ខួរក្បាល តាមរយៈប្រព័ន្ធឃិនវិញ្ញាណ។ វាអាចសំដែងប្រាប់អំពី ទំនាក់ទំនងផ្លូវភេទ ការការពារ ការឈ្លានពាន និង ការភ័យខ្លាច។ នេះបើយោងទៅតាមសំដីរបស់លោក Dr Kristal។
ដូច្នេះ ចំណុចទាំងឡាយដែលបានរៀបរាប់ខាងលើបានប្រមូលផ្ដុំគ្នានៅក្នុងខួរក្បាលរបស់អ្នក ហើយក៏បង្កើតការវាយតំលៃដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្ដិអំពីរូបគេម្នាក់នោះ ដោយសាតែតំលៃរបស់ខួរក្បាលមើលឃើញថាគេល្អ ទើបធ្វើអោយអ្នកស្រលាញ់គេដោយមិនដឹងខ្លួន។
មានសញ្ញាមួយចំនួនដែលអាចប្រាប់អោយអ្នកដឹងថាគេកំពុងមានអារម្មណ៍គិតអំពីអ្នក ដោយគ្រាន់តែអ្នកធ្វើការអង្កេត លើចំនុចមួយ ចំនួនដូចខាងក្រោម ៖
- គេពន្យាយាមនៅក្បែរអ្នកច្រើនជាងអ្នកដ៏ទៃ
- គេតែងតែលើកសរសើរអំពីអ្នក និងយករឿងវិជ្ជមានរបស់អ្នកទៅប្រាប់មិត្ដភ័ក្ដដ៏ជារឿយ។
- គេតែងរៀបចំខ្លួន និងធ្វើទង្វើទាំងឡាយ ដែលអ្នកពេញចិត្ដ ទោះបីជាទង្វើនោះគេមិនសូវចូលចិត្ដក៏ដោយ
- គេច្រើនទូរស័ព្ទមករកអ្នកសូម្បីតែគ្មានការអ្វីសោះ ដោយគ្រាន់តែសួរទៅអ្នកថា តើអ្នកសុខសប្បាយ ឬទេ? ហើយកំពុងតែធ្វើអ្វី? ញ៉ាំបាយហើយឬនៅ? ចូលគេងហើយឬនៅ? ល។
- គេចាប់ផ្ដើមយកចិត្ដទុកដាក់អំពីមិត្ដភ័ក្ដ ឬមនុស្សដែលនៅជុំវិញអ្នក
- គេលុបចោលការណាត់ជួបរវាងគេ និងមិត្ដរបស់គេដើម្បីអ្នក។
ចំនុចខាងលើនេះមិនមែនសុទ្ធតែអាចបញ្ជាក់យ៉ាងពិតប្រាកដថាគេស្រលាញ់អ្នកនោះទេ វិធីសាស្ដ្រដែលល្អបំផុតនោះគឺរកពេលវេលាដើម្បីនិយាយជាមួយគេពីអ្វីដែលអ្នកចង់ដឹងនូវការពិត។
1.ការរំលោភបំពានលើផ្លូវភេទ៖ ការរំលោភបំពានលើផ្លូវភេទ គឺ ជាកាបង្ខិតបង្ខំនរណាម្នាក់ ដើម្បីសកម្មភាពផ្លូវភេទហើយវាជាកត្ដាមួយ ដែលមិនសក្តិសមទាល់តែសោះ ក្នុងការបង្ខំបុគ្គលណាម្នាក់ រឺ ដៃគូរបស់ខ្លួនអោយគេធ្វើអ្វីដែលគេមិនអាចទទួលយកបាន។
តើអ្នកធ្លាប់មានអារម្មណ៍ស្រលាញ់នណាម្នាក់ បន្ទាប់ពីអ្នកបានជួប ឬនិយាយឆ្លើយឆ្លងជាមួយគេ មួយរយៈកន្លងមកដែរឬទេ? អ្នកអាចនឹងមានចម្ងល់ថា ហេតុអ្វីបានជាអ្នកមានអារម្មណ៍បែបនេះជាមួយតែបុគ្គលម្នាក់នោះ ខុសប្លែកពីអ្នកដ៏ទៃ ? អារម្មណ៍ទាំងនេះគឺជាសញ្ញាដែលបញ្ជាក់ថា អ្នកកំពុងចាប់ផ្ដើមស្នេហាទៅលើមនុស្សម្នាក់នោះដោយមិនដឹងខ្លួនហើយ ឬក៏គេហៅថាធ្លាក់ក្នុងអន្លង់ស្នេហ៍នោះឯង។
មានមូលហេតុជាច្រើនដែលជំរុញចិត្ដអ្នកអោយធា្លក់ក្នុងអន្លង់ស្នេហ៍ជាមួយ នឹងគេដោយមិនបានដឹងខ្លួន។ សំរាប់លេខនេះ ដុកទ័រឡូវសូមឡើកយកតែកក្ដាសំខាន់មកជម្រាបជូនដូចតទៅ ៖
រូបសម្បត្ដិ គឺជាចំនុចដំបូងដែលទាក់ទាញការចាប់អារម្មណ៍របស់អ្នក។ មានអ្នកខ្លះបានលង់ស្រលាញ់គេ ចាប់តាំងតែពីបានជួបគ្នា លើកដំបូងមកម្លេះ។ ហើយអ្នកខ្លះទៀតគឺលង់ស្រលាញ់គេ ដោយសារតែគេមានរូបរាងស្រដៀង ទៅនឹងមនុស្ស ឬនិមិត្ដរូបជាទីស្រលាញ់ ដែលធ្លាប់់ផ្ដល់ភាពកក់ក្ដៅ ភាពសប្បាយរីករាយដល់ខ្លួន នៅក្នុងគ្រាអតីតកាល ឬក៏តាំងពីនៅកុមារភាពមក។
ក្លិនក្រអូបៈ ក្លិនក្រអូបនៃ ផ្កា ទឹកអប និងសំភារៈផ្សេងៗទៀត គឺសុទ្ធតែជាកត្ដាជំរុញបន្ថែម នៅក្នុងពិភពទំនាក់ទំនង រ៉ូមែនទិចនេះផងដែរ។ - ការយក ចិត្ដទុកដាក់របស់គេចំពោះអ្នកៈ សកម្មភាពទាំងឡាយផ្សេងៗទៀតដែលគេបានធ្វើចំពោះអ្នក ឬដើម្បីអ្នក គឺសុទ្ធតែអាចទាញយកការចាប់អារម្មណ៍របស់អ្នកបន្ដិចម្ដងៗ រហូតធ្វើអោយអ្នកធ្លាក់ក្នុងអន្លងស្នេហ៍ជាមួយគេ។
សញ្ញាទាក់ទាញភេទផ្ទុយគ្នា (Love pheromones): សញ្ញាមួយចំនួនទៀត ដែលយើងមើលមិនឃើញ ក៏ជាចំណែកមួយ ធ្វើអោយអ្នកធ្លាក់ក្នុងអន្លងស្នេហ៍ផងដែរ។ សញ្ញាហ្វឺរឺម៉ូន (pheromones) គឺជាសញ្ញាដែលបញ្ចូនទៅ ខួរក្បាល តាមរយៈប្រព័ន្ធឃិនវិញ្ញាណ។ វាអាចសំដែងប្រាប់អំពី ទំនាក់ទំនងផ្លូវភេទ ការការពារ ការឈ្លានពាន និង ការភ័យខ្លាច។ នេះបើយោងទៅតាមសំដីរបស់លោក Dr Kristal។
ដូច្នេះ ចំណុចទាំងឡាយដែលបានរៀបរាប់ខាងលើបានប្រមូលផ្ដុំគ្នានៅក្នុងខួរក្បាលរបស់អ្នក ហើយក៏បង្កើតការវាយតំលៃដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្ដិអំពីរូបគេម្នាក់នោះ ដោយសាតែតំលៃរបស់ខួរក្បាលមើលឃើញថាគេល្អ ទើបធ្វើអោយអ្នកស្រលាញ់គេដោយមិនដឹងខ្លួន។
មានសញ្ញាមួយចំនួនដែលអាចប្រាប់អោយអ្នកដឹងថាគេកំពុងមានអារម្មណ៍គិតអំពីអ្នក ដោយគ្រាន់តែអ្នកធ្វើការអង្កេត លើចំនុចមួយ ចំនួនដូចខាងក្រោម ៖
- គេពន្យាយាមនៅក្បែរអ្នកច្រើនជាងអ្នកដ៏ទៃ
- គេតែងតែលើកសរសើរអំពីអ្នក និងយករឿងវិជ្ជមានរបស់អ្នកទៅប្រាប់មិត្ដភ័ក្ដដ៏ជារឿយ។
- គេតែងរៀបចំខ្លួន និងធ្វើទង្វើទាំងឡាយ ដែលអ្នកពេញចិត្ដ ទោះបីជាទង្វើនោះគេមិនសូវចូលចិត្ដក៏ដោយ
- គេច្រើនទូរស័ព្ទមករកអ្នកសូម្បីតែគ្មានការអ្វីសោះ ដោយគ្រាន់តែសួរទៅអ្នកថា តើអ្នកសុខសប្បាយ ឬទេ? ហើយកំពុងតែធ្វើអ្វី? ញ៉ាំបាយហើយឬនៅ? ចូលគេងហើយឬនៅ? ល។
- គេចាប់ផ្ដើមយកចិត្ដទុកដាក់អំពីមិត្ដភ័ក្ដ ឬមនុស្សដែលនៅជុំវិញអ្នក
- គេលុបចោលការណាត់ជួបរវាងគេ និងមិត្ដរបស់គេដើម្បីអ្នក។
ចំនុចខាងលើនេះមិនមែនសុទ្ធតែអាចបញ្ជាក់យ៉ាងពិតប្រាកដថាគេស្រលាញ់អ្នកនោះទេ វិធីសាស្ដ្រដែលល្អបំផុតនោះគឺរកពេលវេលាដើម្បីនិយាយជាមួយគេពីអ្វីដែលអ្នកចង់ដឹងនូវការពិត។
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
តើអ្នកមានឆ្ងល់ទេ ថាហេតុអ្វីពិភពលោកបង្កើតអោ្យមានប្រុស ស្រី — គឺដើម្បីបង្កកំណើត — ដូចជាឪពុកម្តាយរបស់អ្នក (អា ហា!) — បើមិនបង្កើតការបង្កកំណើតទេ, គ្រួសារនឹងរលាយ ហើ្យសញ្ជាតិមនុស្សនឹងត្រូវបាត់សាបសូន្យពីលើលោកយើងនេះ ។
ការបង្កកំណើត Reproduction
All living things reproduce. Reproduction — the process by which organisms make more organisms like themselves — is one of the things that set living things apart from nonliving matter. But even though the reproductive system is essential to keeping a species alive, unlike other body systems, it's not essential to keeping an individual alive.In the human reproductive process, two kinds of sex cells, or gametes (pronounced: gah-meetz), are involved. The male gamete, or sperm, and the female gamete, the egg or ovum, meet in the female's reproductive system to create a new individual. Both the male and female reproductive systems are essential for reproduction. The female needs a male to fertilize her egg, even though it is she who carries offspring through pregnancy and childbirth.Humans, like other organisms, pass certain characteristics of themselves to the next generation through their genes, the special carriers of human traits. The genes that parents pass along to their children are what make children similar to others in their family, but they are also what make each child unique. These genes come from the father's sperm and the mother's egg, which are produced by the male and female reproductive systems.
តើ Female Reproductive System ជាអ្វី?
Most species have two sexes: male and female. Each sex has its own unique reproductive system. They are different in shape and structure, but both are specifically designed to produce, nourish, and transport either the egg or sperm.Unlike the male, the human female has a reproductive system located entirely in the pelvis (that's the lowest part of the abdomen). The external part of the female reproductive organs is called the vulva, which means covering. Located between the legs, the vulva covers the opening to the vagina (pronounced: vuh-jigh-nuh) and other reproductive organs located inside the body.The fleshy area located just above the top of the vaginal opening is called the mons pubis (pronounced: manz pyoo-bis). Two pairs of skin flaps called the labia (which means lips and is pronounced: lay-bee-uh) surround the vaginal opening. The clitoris (pronounced: klih-tuh-rus), a small sensory organ, is located toward the front of the vulva where the folds of the labia join. Between the labia are openings to the urethra (the canal that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body, which is pronounced: yoo-ree-thruh) and vagina. Once girls become sexually mature, the outer labia and the mons pubis are covered by pubic hair.A female's internal reproductive organs are the vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.The vagina is a muscular, hollow tube that extends from the vaginal opening to the uterus. The vagina is about 3 to 5 inches (8 to 12 centimeters) long in a grown woman. Because it has muscular walls it can expand and contract. This ability to become wider or narrower allows the vagina to accommodate something as slim as a tampon and as wide as a baby. The vagina's muscular walls are lined with mucous membranes, which keep it protected and moist. The vagina has several functions: for sexual intercourse, as the pathway that a baby takes out of a woman's body during childbirth, and as the route for the menstrual blood (the period) to leave the body from the uterus.A thin sheet of tissue with one or more holes in it called the hymen (pronounced: hi-mun) partially covers the opening of the vagina. Hymens are often different from person to person. Most women find their hymens have stretched or torn after their first sexual experience, and the hymen may bleed a little (this usually causes little, if any, pain). Some women who have had sex don't have much of a change in their hymens, though.The vagina connects with the uterus (pronounced: yoo-tuh-rus), or womb, at the cervixcervixcervix. The cervix has strong, thick walls. The opening of the cervix is very small (no wider than a straw), which is why a tampon can never get lost inside a girl's body. During childbirth, the cervix can expand to allow a baby to pass.The uterus is shaped like an upside-down pear, with a thick lining and muscular walls — in fact, the uterus contains some of the strongest muscles in the female body. These muscles are able to expand and contract to accommodate a growing fetus and then help push the baby out during labor. When a woman isn't pregnant, the uterus is only about 3 inches (7.5 centimeters) long and 2 inches (5 centimeters) wide.At the upper corners of the uterus, the fallopian (pronounced: fuh-lo-pee-un) tubes connect the uterus to the ovaries (pronounced: o-vuh-reez). The ovaries are two oval-shaped organs that lie to the upper right and left of the uterus. They produce, store, and release eggs into the fallopian tubes in the process called ovulation (pronounced: av-yoo-lay-shun). Each ovary measures about 1 1/2 to 2 inches (4 to 5 centimeters) in a grown woman.There are two fallopian tubes, each attached to a side of the uterus. The fallopian tubes are about 4 inches (10 centimeters) long and about as wide as a piece of spaghetti. Within each tube is a tiny passageway no wider than a sewing needle. At the other end of each fallopian tube is a fringed area that looks like a funnel. This fringed area wraps around the ovary but doesn't completely attach to it. When an egg pops out of an ovary, it enters the fallopian tube. Once the egg is in the fallopian tube, tiny hairs in the tube's lining help push it down the narrow passageway toward the uterus.The ovaries are also part of the endocrine system because they produce female sex hormones such as estrogen (pronounced: es-truh-jun) and progesterone (pronounced: pro-jes-tuh-rone).
តើ Female Reproductive System ធ្វើអ្វីខ្លះ?
The female reproductive system enables a woman to:
· produce eggs (ova)
· have sexual intercourse
· protect and nourish the fertilized egg until it is fully developed
· give birth
Sexual reproduction couldn't happen without the sexual organs called the gonads (pronounced: go-nadz). Although most people think of the gonads as the male testicles, both sexes actually have gonads: In females the gonads are the ovaries. The female gonads produce female gametes (eggs); the male gonads produce male gametes (sperm). After an egg is fertilized by the sperm, the fertilized egg is called the zygote (pronounced: zi-gote).When a baby girl is born, her ovaries contain hundreds of thousands of eggs, which remain inactive until puberty begins. At puberty, the pituitary gland, located in the central part of the brain, starts making hormones that stimulate the ovaries to produce female sex hormones, including estrogen. The secretion of these hormones causes a girl to develop into a sexually mature woman.
រដូវនារី Menstruation
Toward the end of puberty, girls begin to release eggs as part of a monthly period called the menstrual cycle. Approximately once a month, during ovulation, an ovary sends a tiny egg into one of the fallopian tubes. Unless the egg is fertilized by a sperm while in the fallopian tube, the egg dries up and leaves the body about 2 weeks later through the uterus. This process is called menstruation (pronounced: men-strew-ay-shun). Blood and tissues from the inner lining of the uterus combine to form the menstrual flow, which in most girls lasts from 3 to 5 days. A girl's first period is called menarche (pronounced: meh-nar-kee).It's common for women and girls to experience some discomfort in the days leading to their periods. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) includes both physical and emotional symptoms that many girls and women get right before their periods, such as acne, bloating, fatigue, backaches, sore breasts, headaches, constipation, diarrhea, food cravings, depression, irritability, or difficulty concentrating or handling stress. PMS is usually at its worst during the 7 days before a girl's period starts and disappears once it begins.Many girls also experience abdominal cramps during the first few days of their periods. They are caused by prostaglandins, chemicals in the body that makes the smooth muscle in the uterus contract. These involuntary contractions can be either dull or sharp and intense.It can take up to 2 years from menarche for a girl's body to develop a regular menstrual cycle. During that time, her body is adjusting to the hormones puberty brings. On average, the monthly cycle for an adult woman is 28 days, but the range is from 23 to 35 days.
Fertilization និង Pregnancy
If a female and male have sex within several days of the female's ovulation (egg release), fertilization can occur. When the male ejaculates (which is when semen leaves a man's penis), between 0.05 and 0.2 fluid ounces (1.5 to 6.0 milliliters) of semen is deposited into the vagina. Between 75 and 900 million sperm are in this small amount of semen, and they "swim" up from the vagina through the cervix and uterus to meet the
egg in the fallopian tube. It takes only one sperm to fertilize the egg.About a week after the sperm fertilizes the egg, the fertilized egg (zygote) has become a multi-celled blastocyst (pronounced: blas-tuh-sist). A blastocyst is about the size of a pinhead, and it's a hollow ball of cells with fluid inside. The blastocyst burrows itself into the lining of the uterus, called the endometrium
(pronounced: en-doh-mee-tree-um). The hormone estrogen causes the endometrium to become thick and rich with blood. Progesterone, another hormone released by the ovaries, keeps the endometrium thick with blood so that the blastocyst can attach to the uterus and absorb nutrients from it. This process is called implantation (pronounced: im-plan-tay-shun).As cells from the blastocyst take in nourishment, another stage of development, the embryonic stage, begins. The inner cells form a flattened circular shape called the embryonic disk, which will develop into a baby. The outer cells become thin membranes that form around the baby. The cells multiply thousands of times and move to new positions to eventually become the embryo (pronounced: em-bree-o). After approximately 8 weeks, the embryo is about the size of an adult's thumb, but almost all of its parts — the brain and nerves, the heart and blood, the stomach and intestines, and the muscles and skin — have formed.During the fetal stage, which lasts from 9 weeks after fertilization to birth, development continues as cells multiply, move, and change. The fetus (pronounced: fee-tus) floats in amniotic (pronounced: am-nee-ah-tik) fluid inside the amniotic sac. The fetus receives oxygen and nourishment from the mother's blood via the placenta (pronounced: pluh-sen-tuh), a disk-like structure that sticks to the inner lining of the uterus and connects to the fetus via the umbilical (pronounced: um-bih-lih-kul) cord. The amniotic fluid and membrane cushion the fetus against bumps and jolts to the mother's body.Pregnancy lasts an average of 280 days — about 9 months. When the baby is ready for birth, its head presses on the cervix, which begins to relax and widen to get ready for the baby to pass into and through the vagina. The mucus that has formed a plug in the cervix loosens, and with amniotic fluid, comes out through the vagina when the mother's water breaks.When the contractions of labor begin, the walls of the uterus contract as they are stimulated by the pituitary hormone oxytocin (pronounced: ahk-see-toh-sin). The contractions cause the cervix to widen and begin to open. After several hours of this widening, the cervix is dilated (opened) enough for the baby to come through. The baby is pushed out of the uterus, through the cervix, and along the birth canal. The baby's head usually comes first; the umbilical cord comes out with the baby and is cut after the baby is delivered.The last stage of the birth process involves the delivery of the placenta, which is now called the afterbirth. After it has separated from the inner lining of the uterus, contractions of the uterus push it out, along with its membranes and fluids.
កំហុសអាចកើតឡើងលើ Female Reproductive System
Girls and women may sometimes experience reproductive system problems. Below are some examples of disorders that affect the female reproductive system.
Things That Can Go Wrong With the Vulva and Vagina
vulvovaginitis (pronounced: vul-vo-vah-juh-ni-tus), an inflammation of the vulva and vagina. It may be caused by irritating substances (such as laundry soaps or bubble baths). Poor personal hygiene (such as wiping from back to front after a bowel movement) may also cause this problem. Symptoms include redness and itching in the vaginal and vulvar areas and sometimes vaginal discharge. Vulvovaginitis can also be caused by an overgrowth of candida, a fungus normally present in the vagina.
nonmenstrual vaginal bleeding, most commonly due to the presence of a vaginal foreign body, often wadded-up toilet paper. It may also be due to urethral prolapse, a condition in which the mucous membranes of the urethra protrude into the vagina and form a tiny, donut-shaped mass of tissue that bleeds easily. It can also be due to a straddle injury (such as when falling onto a beam or bicycle frame) or vaginal trauma from sexual abuse.
Things That Can Go Wrong With the Ovaries and Fallopian Tubes
ectopic (pronounced: ek-tah-pik) pregnancy, when a fertilized egg, or zygote, doesn't travel into the uterus, but instead grows rapidly in the fallopian tube. Girls with this condition can develop severe abdominal pain and should see a doctor because surgery may be necessary.
endometriosis (pronounced: en-doh-mee-tree-o-sus), when tissue normally found only in the uterus starts to grow outside the uterus — in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or other parts of the pelvic cavity. It can cause abnormal bleeding, painful periods, and general pelvic pain.
ovarian tumors, although rare, can occur. Girls with ovarian tumors may have abdominal pain and masses that can be felt in the abdomen. Surgery may be needed to remove the tumor.
ovarian cysts, noncancerous sacs filled with fluid or semi-solid material. Although they are common and generally harmless, they can become a problem if they grow very large. Large cysts may push on surrounding organs, causing abdominal pain. In most cases, cysts will disappear on their own and treatment is unnecessary. If the cysts are painful, a doctor may prescribe birth control pills to alter their growth, or they may be removed by a surgeon.
polycystic ovary syndrome, a hormone disorder in which too many male hormones (androgens) are produced by the ovaries. This condition causes the ovaries to become enlarged and develop many fluid-filled sacs, or cysts. It often first appears during the teen years. Depending on the type and severity of the condition, it may be treated with drugs to regulate hormone balance and menstruation.
បញ្ហារដូវ Menstrual Problems
A variety of menstrual problems can affect girls. Some of the more common conditions are:
· dysmenorrhea (pronounced: dis-meh-nuh-ree-uh), when a girl has painful periods.
· menorrhagia (pronounced: meh-nuh-rah-zhuh), when a girl has a very heavy periods with excess bleeding.
· oligomenorrhea (pronounced: o-lih-go-meh-nuh-ree-uh), when a girl misses or has infrequent periods, even though she's been menstruating for a while and isn't pregnant.
· amenorrhea (pronounced: a-meh-nuh-ree-uh), when a girl hasn't started her period by the time she is 16 years old or 3 years after starting puberty, has not developed signs of puberty by age 14, or has had normal periods but has stopped menstruating for some reason other than pregnancy.
ការឆ្លងរោគលើ Female Reproductive System
Sexually transmitted diseases. These include infections and diseases such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), human papilloma virus (HPV, or genital warts), syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and genital herpes. Most are spread from one person to another by sexual intercourse.
Toxic shock syndrome. This uncommon illness is caused by toxins released into the body during a type of bacterial infection that is more likely to develop if a tampon is left in too long. It can produce high fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and shock.
If you think you have symptoms of a problem with your reproductive system or if you have questions about your growth and development, talk to your parent or doctor — many problems with the female reproductive system can be treated.
ការបង្កកំណើត Reproduction

តើ Female Reproductive System ជាអ្វី?

តើ Female Reproductive System ធ្វើអ្វីខ្លះ?
The female reproductive system enables a woman to:
· produce eggs (ova)
· have sexual intercourse
· protect and nourish the fertilized egg until it is fully developed
· give birth
Sexual reproduction couldn't happen without the sexual organs called the gonads (pronounced: go-nadz). Although most people think of the gonads as the male testicles, both sexes actually have gonads: In females the gonads are the ovaries. The female gonads produce female gametes (eggs); the male gonads produce male gametes (sperm). After an egg is fertilized by the sperm, the fertilized egg is called the zygote (pronounced: zi-gote).When a baby girl is born, her ovaries contain hundreds of thousands of eggs, which remain inactive until puberty begins. At puberty, the pituitary gland, located in the central part of the brain, starts making hormones that stimulate the ovaries to produce female sex hormones, including estrogen. The secretion of these hormones causes a girl to develop into a sexually mature woman.
រដូវនារី Menstruation
Toward the end of puberty, girls begin to release eggs as part of a monthly period called the menstrual cycle. Approximately once a month, during ovulation, an ovary sends a tiny egg into one of the fallopian tubes. Unless the egg is fertilized by a sperm while in the fallopian tube, the egg dries up and leaves the body about 2 weeks later through the uterus. This process is called menstruation (pronounced: men-strew-ay-shun). Blood and tissues from the inner lining of the uterus combine to form the menstrual flow, which in most girls lasts from 3 to 5 days. A girl's first period is called menarche (pronounced: meh-nar-kee).It's common for women and girls to experience some discomfort in the days leading to their periods. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) includes both physical and emotional symptoms that many girls and women get right before their periods, such as acne, bloating, fatigue, backaches, sore breasts, headaches, constipation, diarrhea, food cravings, depression, irritability, or difficulty concentrating or handling stress. PMS is usually at its worst during the 7 days before a girl's period starts and disappears once it begins.Many girls also experience abdominal cramps during the first few days of their periods. They are caused by prostaglandins, chemicals in the body that makes the smooth muscle in the uterus contract. These involuntary contractions can be either dull or sharp and intense.It can take up to 2 years from menarche for a girl's body to develop a regular menstrual cycle. During that time, her body is adjusting to the hormones puberty brings. On average, the monthly cycle for an adult woman is 28 days, but the range is from 23 to 35 days.
Fertilization និង Pregnancy
If a female and male have sex within several days of the female's ovulation (egg release), fertilization can occur. When the male ejaculates (which is when semen leaves a man's penis), between 0.05 and 0.2 fluid ounces (1.5 to 6.0 milliliters) of semen is deposited into the vagina. Between 75 and 900 million sperm are in this small amount of semen, and they "swim" up from the vagina through the cervix and uterus to meet the

កំហុសអាចកើតឡើងលើ Female Reproductive System
Girls and women may sometimes experience reproductive system problems. Below are some examples of disorders that affect the female reproductive system.
Things That Can Go Wrong With the Vulva and Vagina
vulvovaginitis (pronounced: vul-vo-vah-juh-ni-tus), an inflammation of the vulva and vagina. It may be caused by irritating substances (such as laundry soaps or bubble baths). Poor personal hygiene (such as wiping from back to front after a bowel movement) may also cause this problem. Symptoms include redness and itching in the vaginal and vulvar areas and sometimes vaginal discharge. Vulvovaginitis can also be caused by an overgrowth of candida, a fungus normally present in the vagina.
nonmenstrual vaginal bleeding, most commonly due to the presence of a vaginal foreign body, often wadded-up toilet paper. It may also be due to urethral prolapse, a condition in which the mucous membranes of the urethra protrude into the vagina and form a tiny, donut-shaped mass of tissue that bleeds easily. It can also be due to a straddle injury (such as when falling onto a beam or bicycle frame) or vaginal trauma from sexual abuse.
Things That Can Go Wrong With the Ovaries and Fallopian Tubes
ectopic (pronounced: ek-tah-pik) pregnancy, when a fertilized egg, or zygote, doesn't travel into the uterus, but instead grows rapidly in the fallopian tube. Girls with this condition can develop severe abdominal pain and should see a doctor because surgery may be necessary.
endometriosis (pronounced: en-doh-mee-tree-o-sus), when tissue normally found only in the uterus starts to grow outside the uterus — in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or other parts of the pelvic cavity. It can cause abnormal bleeding, painful periods, and general pelvic pain.
ovarian tumors, although rare, can occur. Girls with ovarian tumors may have abdominal pain and masses that can be felt in the abdomen. Surgery may be needed to remove the tumor.
ovarian cysts, noncancerous sacs filled with fluid or semi-solid material. Although they are common and generally harmless, they can become a problem if they grow very large. Large cysts may push on surrounding organs, causing abdominal pain. In most cases, cysts will disappear on their own and treatment is unnecessary. If the cysts are painful, a doctor may prescribe birth control pills to alter their growth, or they may be removed by a surgeon.
polycystic ovary syndrome, a hormone disorder in which too many male hormones (androgens) are produced by the ovaries. This condition causes the ovaries to become enlarged and develop many fluid-filled sacs, or cysts. It often first appears during the teen years. Depending on the type and severity of the condition, it may be treated with drugs to regulate hormone balance and menstruation.
បញ្ហារដូវ Menstrual Problems
A variety of menstrual problems can affect girls. Some of the more common conditions are:
· dysmenorrhea (pronounced: dis-meh-nuh-ree-uh), when a girl has painful periods.
· menorrhagia (pronounced: meh-nuh-rah-zhuh), when a girl has a very heavy periods with excess bleeding.
· oligomenorrhea (pronounced: o-lih-go-meh-nuh-ree-uh), when a girl misses or has infrequent periods, even though she's been menstruating for a while and isn't pregnant.
· amenorrhea (pronounced: a-meh-nuh-ree-uh), when a girl hasn't started her period by the time she is 16 years old or 3 years after starting puberty, has not developed signs of puberty by age 14, or has had normal periods but has stopped menstruating for some reason other than pregnancy.
ការឆ្លងរោគលើ Female Reproductive System
Sexually transmitted diseases. These include infections and diseases such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), human papilloma virus (HPV, or genital warts), syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and genital herpes. Most are spread from one person to another by sexual intercourse.
Toxic shock syndrome. This uncommon illness is caused by toxins released into the body during a type of bacterial infection that is more likely to develop if a tampon is left in too long. It can produce high fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and shock.
If you think you have symptoms of a problem with your reproductive system or if you have questions about your growth and development, talk to your parent or doctor — many problems with the female reproductive system can be treated.
Ever wonder how the universe could allow the existence of someone as annoying as your bratty little brother or sister? The answer lies in reproduction. If people — like your parents (ew!) — didn't reproduce, families would die out and the human race would cease to exist.All living things reproduce. Reproduction — the process by which organisms make more organisms like themselves — is one of the thing
s that set living things apart from nonliving matter. But even though the reproductive system is essential to keeping a species alive, unlike other body systems it's not essential to keeping an individual alive.In the human reproductive process, two kinds of sex cells, or gametes (pronounced: gah-meetz), are involved. The male gamete, or sperm, and the female gamete, the egg or ovum, meet in the female's reproductive system to create a new individual. Both the male and female reproductive systems are essential for reproduction.
Humans, like other organisms, pass certain characteristics of themselves to the next generation through their genes, the special carriers of human traits. The genes parents pass along to their children are what make children similar to others in their family, but they are also what make each child unique. These genes come from the father's sperm and the mother's egg, which are produced by the male and female reproductive systems.
What Is the Male Reproductive System?
Most species have two sexes: male and female. Each sex has its own unique reproductive system. They are different in shape and structure, but both are specifically designed to produce, nourish, and transport either the egg or sperm.Unlike the female, whose sex organs are located entirely within the pelvis, the male has reproductive organs, or genitals (pronounced: jen-ih-tulz), that are both inside and outside the pelvis. The male genitals include:
· the testicles
· the duct system, which is made up of the epididymis and the vas deferens
· the accessory glands, which include the seminal vesicles and prostate gland
· the penis
In a guy who's reached sexual maturity, the two testicles (pronounced: tes-tih-kulz), or testes (pronounced: tes-teez), produce and store millions of tiny sperm cells. The testicles are oval-shaped and grow to be about 2 inches (5 centimeters) in length and 1 inch (3 centimeters) in diameter. The testicles are also part of the endocrine system because they produce hormones, including testosterone (pronounced: tes-tos-tuh-rone). Testosterone is a major part of puberty in guys, and as a guy makes his way through puberty, his testicles produce more and more of it. Testosterone is the hormone that causes guys to develop deeper voices, bigger muscles, and body and facial hair, and it also stimulates the production of sperm.Alongside the testicles are the epididymis (pronounced: ep-ih-did-uh-mus) and the vas deferens (pronounced: vas def-uh-runz), which make up the duct system of the male reproductive organs. The vas deferens is a muscular tube that passes upward alongside the testicles and transports the sperm-containing fluid called semen (pronounced: see-mun). The epididymis is a set of coiled tubes (one for each testicle) that connects to the vas deferens.The epididymis and the testicles hang in a pouch-like structure outside the pelvis called the scrotum. This bag of skin helps to regulate the temperature of testicles, which need to be kept cooler than body temperature to produce sperm. The scrotum changes size to maintain the right temperature. When the body is cold, the scrotum shrinks and becomes tighter to hold in body heat. When it's warm, the scrotum becomes larger and more floppy to get rid of extra heat. This happens without a guy ever having to think about it. The brain and the nervous system give the scrotum the cue to change size.The accessory glands, including the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland, provide fluids that lubricate the duct system and nourish the sperm. The seminal vesicles (pronounced: sem-uh-nul ves-ih-kulz) are sac-like structures attached to the vas deferens to the side of the bladder. The prostate gland, which produces some of the parts of semen, surrounds the ejaculatory ducts at the base of the urethra (pronounced: yoo-ree-thruh), just below the bladder. The urethra is the channel that carries the semen to the outside of the body through the penis. The urethra is also part of the urinary system because it is also the channel through which urine passes as it leaves the bladder and exits the body.The penis is actually made up of two parts: the shaft and the glans (pronounced: glanz). The shaft is the main part of the penis and the glans is the tip (sometimes called the head). At the end of the glans is a small slit or opening, which is where semen and urine exit the body through the urethra. The inside of the penis is made of a spongy tissue that can expand and contract.All boys are born with a foreskin, a fold of skin at the end of the penis covering the glans. Some boys have a circumcision (pronounced: sur-kum-sih-zhun), which means that a doctor or clergy member cuts away the foreskin. Circumcision is usually performed during a baby boy's first few days of life. Although circumcision is not medically necessary, parents who choose to have their children circumcised often do so based on religious beliefs, concerns about hygiene, or cultural or social reasons. Boys who have circumcised penises and those who don't are no different: All penises work and feel the same, regardless of whether the foreskin has been removed.
What Does the Male Reproductive System Do?
The male sex organs work together to produce and release semen into the reproductive system of the female during sexual intercourse. The male reproductive system also produces sex hormones, which help a boy develop into a sexually mature man during puberty (pronounced: pyoo-bur-tee).
When a baby boy is born, he has all the parts of his reproductive system in place, but it isn't until puberty that he is able to reproduce. When puberty begins, usually between the ages of 10 and 14, the pituitary (pronounced: pih-too-uh-ter-ee) gland — which is located near the brain — secretes hormones that stimulate the testicles to produce testosterone. The production of testosterone brings about many physical changes. Although the timing of these changes is different for every guy, the stages of puberty generally follow a set sequence.
· During the first stage of male puberty, the scrotum and testes grow larger.
· Next, the penis becomes longer, and the seminal vesicles and prostate gland grow.
· Hair begins to appear in the pubic area and later it grows on the face and underarms. During this time, a male's voice also deepens.
· Boys also undergo a growth spurt during puberty as they reach their adult height and weight.
Once a guy has reached puberty, he will produce millions of sperm cells every day. Each sperm is extremely small: only 1/600 of an inch (0.05 millimeters long). Sperm develop in the testicles within a system of tiny tubes called the seminiferous tubules (pronounced: sem-uh-nih-fuh-rus too-byoolz). At birth, these tubules contain simple round cells, but during puberty, testosterone and other hormones cause these cells to transform into sperm cells. The cells divide and change until they have a head and short tail, like tadpoles. The head contains genetic material (genes). The sperm use their tails to push themselves into the epididymis, where they complete their development. It takes sperm about 4 to 6 weeks to travel through the epididymis.The sperm then move to the vas deferens, or sperm duct. The seminal vesicles and prostate gland produce a whitish fluid called seminal fluid, which mixes with sperm to form semen when a male is sexually stimulated. The penis, which usually hangs limp, becomes hard when a male is sexually excited. Tissues in the penis fill with blood and it becomes stiff and erect (an erection). The rigidity of the erect penis makes it easier to insert into the female's vagina during sexual intercourse. When the erect penis is stimulated, muscles around the reproductive organs contract and force the semen through the duct system and urethra. Semen is pushed out of the male's body through his urethra — this process is called ejaculation (pronounced: ih-jak-yuh-lay-shun). Each time a guy ejaculates, it can contain up to 500 million sperm.When the male ejaculates during intercourse, semen is deposited into the female's vagina. From the vagina the sperm make their way up through the cervix and move through the uterus with help from uterine contractions. If a mature egg is in one of the female's fallopian tubes, a single sperm may penetrate it, and fertilization, or conception, occurs.This fertilized egg is now called a zygote (pronounced: zy-goat) and contains 46 chromosomes — half from the egg and half from the sperm. The genetic material from the male and female has combined so that a new individual can be created. The zygote divides again and again as it grows in the female's uterus, maturing over the course of the pregnancy into an embryo, a fetus, and finally a newborn baby.
Problems Affecting the Male Reproductive System
Guys may sometimes experience reproductive system problems. Below are some examples of disorders that affect the male reproductive system:
Disorders of the Scrotum, Testicles, or Epididymis
Conditions affecting the scrotal contents may involve the testicles, epididymis, or the scrotum itself.

Conditions affecting the scrotal contents may involve the testicles, epididymis, or the scrotum itself.
· Testicular injury. Even a mild injury to the testicles can cause severe pain, bruising, or swelling. Most testicular injuries occur when the testicles are struck, hit, kicked, or crushed, usually during sports or due to other trauma. Testicular torsion (pronounced: tor-zhun), when one of the testicles twists around, cutting off its blood supply, is also a problem that some teen guys experience — although it's not common.
· Varicocele (pronounced: var-uh-koh-seal). This is a varicose vein (an abnormally swollen vein) in the network of veins that run from the testicles. Varicoceles commonly develop while a guy is going through puberty. A varicocele is usually not harmful, although in some people it may damage the testicle or decrease sperm production, so it helps for a guy to see his doctor if he's concerned about changes in his testicles.
· Testicular cancer. This is one of the most common cancers in men younger than 40. It occurs when cells in the testicle divide abnormally and form a tumor. Testicular cancer can spread to other parts of the body, but if it's detected early, the cure rate is excellent. All guys should perform testicular self-examinations regularly to help with early detection.
· Epididymitis (pronounced: ep-uh-did-ih-my-tus) is inflammation of the epididymis, the coiled tubes that connect the testes with the vas deferens. It is usually caused by an infection, such as the sexually transmitted disease chlamydia, and results in pain and swelling next to one of the testicles.
· Hydrocele. A hydrocele (pronounced: high-druh-seel) occurs when fluid collects in the membranes surrounding the testes. Hydroceles may cause swelling in the scrotum around the testicle but are generally painless. In some cases, surgery may be needed to correct the condition.
· Inguinal hernia. When a portion of the intestines pushes through an abnormal opening or weakening of the abdominal wall and into the groin or scrotum, it is known as an inguinal hernia (pronounced: in-gwuh-nul her-nee-uh). The hernia may look like a bulge or swelling in the groin area. It can be corrected with surgery.
Problems Affecting the Male Reproductive System (continued)

Disorders of the Penis
Disorders affecting the penis include the following:
· Inflammation of the penis. Symptoms of penile inflammation include redness, itching, swelling, and pain. Balanitis occurs when the glans (the head of the penis) becomes inflamed. Posthitis is foreskin inflammation, which is usually due to a yeast or bacterial infection.
· Hypospadius is a disorder in which the urethra opens on the underside of the penis, not at the tip.
If you think you have symptoms of a problem with your reproductive system or if you have questions about your growth and development, talk to your parent or doctor — many problems with the male reproductive system can be treated.

Humans, like other organisms, pass certain characteristics of themselves to the next generation through their genes, the special carriers of human traits. The genes parents pass along to their children are what make children similar to others in their family, but they are also what make each child unique. These genes come from the father's sperm and the mother's egg, which are produced by the male and female reproductive systems.
What Is the Male Reproductive System?
Most species have two sexes: male and female. Each sex has its own unique reproductive system. They are different in shape and structure, but both are specifically designed to produce, nourish, and transport either the egg or sperm.Unlike the female, whose sex organs are located entirely within the pelvis, the male has reproductive organs, or genitals (pronounced: jen-ih-tulz), that are both inside and outside the pelvis. The male genitals include:

· the testicles
· the duct system, which is made up of the epididymis and the vas deferens
· the accessory glands, which include the seminal vesicles and prostate gland
· the penis
In a guy who's reached sexual maturity, the two testicles (pronounced: tes-tih-kulz), or testes (pronounced: tes-teez), produce and store millions of tiny sperm cells. The testicles are oval-shaped and grow to be about 2 inches (5 centimeters) in length and 1 inch (3 centimeters) in diameter. The testicles are also part of the endocrine system because they produce hormones, including testosterone (pronounced: tes-tos-tuh-rone). Testosterone is a major part of puberty in guys, and as a guy makes his way through puberty, his testicles produce more and more of it. Testosterone is the hormone that causes guys to develop deeper voices, bigger muscles, and body and facial hair, and it also stimulates the production of sperm.Alongside the testicles are the epididymis (pronounced: ep-ih-did-uh-mus) and the vas deferens (pronounced: vas def-uh-runz), which make up the duct system of the male reproductive organs. The vas deferens is a muscular tube that passes upward alongside the testicles and transports the sperm-containing fluid called semen (pronounced: see-mun). The epididymis is a set of coiled tubes (one for each testicle) that connects to the vas deferens.The epididymis and the testicles hang in a pouch-like structure outside the pelvis called the scrotum. This bag of skin helps to regulate the temperature of testicles, which need to be kept cooler than body temperature to produce sperm. The scrotum changes size to maintain the right temperature. When the body is cold, the scrotum shrinks and becomes tighter to hold in body heat. When it's warm, the scrotum becomes larger and more floppy to get rid of extra heat. This happens without a guy ever having to think about it. The brain and the nervous system give the scrotum the cue to change size.The accessory glands, including the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland, provide fluids that lubricate the duct system and nourish the sperm. The seminal vesicles (pronounced: sem-uh-nul ves-ih-kulz) are sac-like structures attached to the vas deferens to the side of the bladder. The prostate gland, which produces some of the parts of semen, surrounds the ejaculatory ducts at the base of the urethra (pronounced: yoo-ree-thruh), just below the bladder. The urethra is the channel that carries the semen to the outside of the body through the penis. The urethra is also part of the urinary system because it is also the channel through which urine passes as it leaves the bladder and exits the body.The penis is actually made up of two parts: the shaft and the glans (pronounced: glanz). The shaft is the main part of the penis and the glans is the tip (sometimes called the head). At the end of the glans is a small slit or opening, which is where semen and urine exit the body through the urethra. The inside of the penis is made of a spongy tissue that can expand and contract.All boys are born with a foreskin, a fold of skin at the end of the penis covering the glans. Some boys have a circumcision (pronounced: sur-kum-sih-zhun), which means that a doctor or clergy member cuts away the foreskin. Circumcision is usually performed during a baby boy's first few days of life. Although circumcision is not medically necessary, parents who choose to have their children circumcised often do so based on religious beliefs, concerns about hygiene, or cultural or social reasons. Boys who have circumcised penises and those who don't are no different: All penises work and feel the same, regardless of whether the foreskin has been removed.
What Does the Male Reproductive System Do?

When a baby boy is born, he has all the parts of his reproductive system in place, but it isn't until puberty that he is able to reproduce. When puberty begins, usually between the ages of 10 and 14, the pituitary (pronounced: pih-too-uh-ter-ee) gland — which is located near the brain — secretes hormones that stimulate the testicles to produce testosterone. The production of testosterone brings about many physical changes. Although the timing of these changes is different for every guy, the stages of puberty generally follow a set sequence.
· During the first stage of male puberty, the scrotum and testes grow larger.
· Next, the penis becomes longer, and the seminal vesicles and prostate gland grow.
· Hair begins to appear in the pubic area and later it grows on the face and underarms. During this time, a male's voice also deepens.
· Boys also undergo a growth spurt during puberty as they reach their adult height and weight.
Once a guy has reached puberty, he will produce millions of sperm cells every day. Each sperm is extremely small: only 1/600 of an inch (0.05 millimeters long). Sperm develop in the testicles within a system of tiny tubes called the seminiferous tubules (pronounced: sem-uh-nih-fuh-rus too-byoolz). At birth, these tubules contain simple round cells, but during puberty, testosterone and other hormones cause these cells to transform into sperm cells. The cells divide and change until they have a head and short tail, like tadpoles. The head contains genetic material (genes). The sperm use their tails to push themselves into the epididymis, where they complete their development. It takes sperm about 4 to 6 weeks to travel through the epididymis.The sperm then move to the vas deferens, or sperm duct. The seminal vesicles and prostate gland produce a whitish fluid called seminal fluid, which mixes with sperm to form semen when a male is sexually stimulated. The penis, which usually hangs limp, becomes hard when a male is sexually excited. Tissues in the penis fill with blood and it becomes stiff and erect (an erection). The rigidity of the erect penis makes it easier to insert into the female's vagina during sexual intercourse. When the erect penis is stimulated, muscles around the reproductive organs contract and force the semen through the duct system and urethra. Semen is pushed out of the male's body through his urethra — this process is called ejaculation (pronounced: ih-jak-yuh-lay-shun). Each time a guy ejaculates, it can contain up to 500 million sperm.When the male ejaculates during intercourse, semen is deposited into the female's vagina. From the vagina the sperm make their way up through the cervix and move through the uterus with help from uterine contractions. If a mature egg is in one of the female's fallopian tubes, a single sperm may penetrate it, and fertilization, or conception, occurs.This fertilized egg is now called a zygote (pronounced: zy-goat) and contains 46 chromosomes — half from the egg and half from the sperm. The genetic material from the male and female has combined so that a new individual can be created. The zygote divides again and again as it grows in the female's uterus, maturing over the course of the pregnancy into an embryo, a fetus, and finally a newborn baby.
Problems Affecting the Male Reproductive System
Guys may sometimes experience reproductive system problems. Below are some examples of disorders that affect the male reproductive system:
Disorders of the Scrotum, Testicles, or Epididymis
Conditions affecting the scrotal contents may involve the testicles, epididymis, or the scrotum itself.

Conditions affecting the scrotal contents may involve the testicles, epididymis, or the scrotum itself.
· Testicular injury. Even a mild injury to the testicles can cause severe pain, bruising, or swelling. Most testicular injuries occur when the testicles are struck, hit, kicked, or crushed, usually during sports or due to other trauma. Testicular torsion (pronounced: tor-zhun), when one of the testicles twists around, cutting off its blood supply, is also a problem that some teen guys experience — although it's not common.
· Varicocele (pronounced: var-uh-koh-seal). This is a varicose vein (an abnormally swollen vein) in the network of veins that run from the testicles. Varicoceles commonly develop while a guy is going through puberty. A varicocele is usually not harmful, although in some people it may damage the testicle or decrease sperm production, so it helps for a guy to see his doctor if he's concerned about changes in his testicles.
· Testicular cancer. This is one of the most common cancers in men younger than 40. It occurs when cells in the testicle divide abnormally and form a tumor. Testicular cancer can spread to other parts of the body, but if it's detected early, the cure rate is excellent. All guys should perform testicular self-examinations regularly to help with early detection.
· Epididymitis (pronounced: ep-uh-did-ih-my-tus) is inflammation of the epididymis, the coiled tubes that connect the testes with the vas deferens. It is usually caused by an infection, such as the sexually transmitted disease chlamydia, and results in pain and swelling next to one of the testicles.
· Hydrocele. A hydrocele (pronounced: high-druh-seel) occurs when fluid collects in the membranes surrounding the testes. Hydroceles may cause swelling in the scrotum around the testicle but are generally painless. In some cases, surgery may be needed to correct the condition.
· Inguinal hernia. When a portion of the intestines pushes through an abnormal opening or weakening of the abdominal wall and into the groin or scrotum, it is known as an inguinal hernia (pronounced: in-gwuh-nul her-nee-uh). The hernia may look like a bulge or swelling in the groin area. It can be corrected with surgery.
Problems Affecting the Male Reproductive System (continued)

Disorders of the Penis
Disorders affecting the penis include the following:
· Inflammation of the penis. Symptoms of penile inflammation include redness, itching, swelling, and pain. Balanitis occurs when the glans (the head of the penis) becomes inflamed. Posthitis is foreskin inflammation, which is usually due to a yeast or bacterial infection.
· Hypospadius is a disorder in which the urethra opens on the underside of the penis, not at the tip.
If you think you have symptoms of a problem with your reproductive system or if you have questions about your growth and development, talk to your parent or doctor — many problems with the male reproductive system can be treated.
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