Sex: Male
Present Address: No. 32k Street 265, Phnom Penh
Tel: 012 993 658/016 244 571
Date of Birth: 05 Feb 1969
Place of Birth: Kandal Province, Cambodia
Nationality: Cambodian
Marital Status: Married
Jan 2007-Present
Organization: Pour un Sourire d’Enfant (PSE), Phnom Penh
Title: Electricity Instructor
Supervisor: La Vibol, Director of Study
1. Make curriculum for construction training. Make budget planning for operation cost per year. Identify the need of material or equipment using for training. Monitoring the construction operation cost budget. Responsible for the purchasing order.
2. Teach student 22 hours per week. Work with teacher of Mathematics, Khmer and English to set up and practical lesson. Responsible on tools, consumable, workshop performance. Participate class council every trimester. Individual interview with preparatory student in orientation program.
3. Make meeting with trainer team weekly. Monthly report and meeting supervisor. Participate in making the team dynamic.
Jul 2001- Dec 2006
Organization: American Embassy, Phnom Penh
Title: IRC Assistant/American Corner Coordinator
Supervisor: John J Daigle, Public Affairs Officer
1. Responsible to identify and select appropriate new acquisitions to add it up to the collection. Cataloguing and classifying the materials by using Dewey Decimal Classification. Computerizing and organizing the library materials to make its accessible for public uses. Provide information research and reference assistance to patrons. Conduct library orientation to users and publicize library services and products. Conduct presentation on search engine, IRC databases and IRC related program to show about IRC facilities and programs available for use by publics.
2. Serve as Assistant to Information Resource Center (IRC) and other branches of Public Affairs Office (PAO). Provide outreach services and information products in a timely manner. Respond to requests for information and research services and selectively disseminates effective information services to Cambodian contacts who influence policy and public opinion on issues central to U.S. interest. Execute administrative functions of the IRC,
multiple American Corners (AC) resource centers, and targeted outreach programs. Provide technical support for Digital Video Conferences
and oversees technical maintenance of Post's Internet website.
3. Perform information outreach services, including routine e-mail and paper distribution of the daily Washington File, monthly Article Alert, and other International Information Program (IIP) products and services, as appropriate. Maintains contact databases to ensure accurate targeting and delivery of information. Assist in the administration of outreach activities to various Cambodian communities to fulfill Mission Program Plan (MPP) objectives, such as Post’s Muslim outreach program and the establishment of AC information centers. Regularly provides U.S Government, think tank, and periodical articles to target audience members. Assist in designing promotional materials and in developing marketing strategies highlighting PAO/IRC products, programs and services. Comply and duplicate Public Affairs printed materials for speaker programs, workshops, seminars and other activities.
4. Maintain an up-to-date inventory of English teaching materials and office supplies to insure sufficient quantities on-hand. Process orders for new books, pamphlets and other materials as needed in the Public Affairs Section (PAS).
5. Support and assist the IRC Director in the Information Resource Center with office management and servicing of IRC visitors. Perform technical reference and manages IRC circulation in support of patrons. Work closely with the Information Regional Officer (IRO) in Bangkok and PAS Phnom Penh, planning the IRO’s biannual training visits and assisting in the IRO’s presentations. Provide input in the drafting of the IRC Annual Work Plan and the quarterly IRC Report. Responsible for IRC operations during absence of IRC director.
6. Assists with the organization of public events and exhibitions. Coordinate with IMO and PDO to monitor and update U.S. Embassy Phnom Penh web page. Manage the daily pick-up/delivery of mail. Create promotion on products and services by power point presentation, folder and brochure, prepare guest list and invitation for reception.
7. Receive and deliver supplies and service to two American Corners (ACs). Periodically visit AC to monitor operations, support AC information and technical needs, such as computer, printer and audio visional equipments trouble shooting. Monitor the Government Furnished Property (GFP) provision of the grant including preparing itemized list of GFP showing serial numbers; ensure that delivery of the GFP to the ACs project is made in accordance with the grant; inspect each unit of GFP upon its return from the Grantee.
May 1994-Jun 2001
Organization: American Embassy, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Title: Electrician & Air-condition Supervisor
Supervisor: Stephen Druzak, General Service Officer
1. Supervise electricians, air-condition technicians, carpenters, plumber, and group of
2. Prepare weekly, monthly, annually report and statistics.
3. Supervise and conduct preventive maintenance program on electrical equipment, air-conditioner, refrigerator and freezer for Embassy and its Residences.
4. Examine wiring diagrams and installation areas to plan layout of wiring
system. Position and install electric switchboard, measure, cut and install plastic conduit and pull wire through, connect, install wires to circuit breakers, transformers, timers, washers, dryers and other electrical equipment. Connect electrical systems to power supply, tests continuity of circuit.
5. Install, modify, maintain and repair electrical equipment such as heaters,
lightings, motors, pumps, electric signs or switchboards and air-conditioner.
6. Service and repair circuitry in prototype and other non-standard units.
7. Estimate material costs and quantities.
8. Repair air-conditioner, fridge and vehicle air-conditioner and freezer
9. Upgrade electrical systems in Embassy and its residences.
10. Provide estimation on electric job and material.
11. Drive GSO vehicle from Embassy to its residences on regular basis.
June 1990-Apr 1994
Employer: Hotel Sofitel Cambodiana, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Title: Maintenance Supervisor/Asst. Manager
Supervisor: Paul Vannaker, Chief Engineering.
1. Supervise air-conditioner technician, electrician, carpenter and plumber.
2. Manage work order and technician. In charge of electrical equipment,
air-conditioner and plumber equipment.
3. Air-conditioner, fridge and cooler maintenance.
4. Install, modify, maintain and repair electrical equipment such as heaters, lightings, motors, pumps, electric signs or switchboards. Connect and install wires to circuit breakers, transformer, timer, and other electrical equipment.
5. Set up sound and video system.
6. Provide estimation on electric jobs and materials.
7. Prepare weekly, monthly, annually reports and statistics.
8. Issue maintenance equipment to engineering staff. Control stock.
9. Raise purchase order for shortage stock equipment.
10 Issue electric, air-conditioner and mechanic spare parts.
Apr 1989- June 1990
Organization: Pang Luon Construction Company, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Title: Electrician
1. Examine wiring diagrams and installation areas to plan layout of wiring
system. Position and install electric switchboard, measure, cut and install plastic conduit and pull wire through, connect, install wires to circuit breakers, transformers, timers, washers, dryers and other electrical equipment. Connect electrical systems to power supply, tests continuity of circuit.
2. Provide estimation on electric job and material.
Nov 1987- Apr 1989
Employer : Ministry of Industry (Shoe Factory), Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Title: Electrician
Examine wiring diagrams and installation areas to plan layout of wiring
system. Position, install and repair electric switchboard, measure, cut and install plastic conduit and pull wire through, connect, install wires to circuit breakers, transformers, timers and other electrical equipment. Connect electrical systems to power supply, tests continuity of circuit.
June 2006 Extra Mile Award
Nov 2005 Franklin Award
March 2004 Extra Mile Award
Nov 16, 2004 Extra Mile Award
Nov 16, 2004 Appreciation are tendered for completion of 10 years Service
Sept 2003 Ambassador’s Certificate of Appreciation
Mar 18, 2002 Group cash Performance Award
Sept 7, 2001 Group Meritorious Honor Award
Mar20, 2000 Cash Performance Award
Apr 6, 1998 Cash Performance Award
Mar 15, 1998 Certificate of Appreciation Award
Mar 20, 1997 Cash Performance Award
Jan 28 1993 Faithfully for 3 years Service (Hotel Sofitel Cambodiana)
Nov 2001- Jul 2005 Bachelor of Education (English Literature)
Build Bright University, Phnom Penh.
Nov 2000-Jan 2001 English for Business III
Regent College, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Aug 2000- Oct 2000 English for Business II
Regent College, Phnom Penh.
May 2000- Jul 2000 English for Business I
Regent College, Phnom Penh.
Oct 1999- Jul 2000 Business & Organizational Administrative 2
Regent College, Phnom Penh.
Ju1 1997-Sept 1999 Completed level 12 of The ACE General English
Australian Center for Education, Phnom Penh.
Oct 1996- Jan 1997 Practical Business English
Regent College, Phnom Penh.
Jul 1996- Sept 1996 Business & Organizational Administrative
Regent College, Phnom Penh.
Jan 1996-Mar1996 Introduction to Management
Regent College, Phnom Penh.
Oct 1995-Dec1995 Working Internationally
Regent College, Phnom Penh.
Sept 1984-Aug 1987 Electrician Specialist Worker (Diploma)
Cambodia-Soviet Friendship Professional Training Center,
Phnom Penh.
Sept 4-9, 2006 Website Managers Symposium
Information Resource Office, Vienna, Austria
February 1-4, 2005 American Corners Workshop
East-Asia Information Resource Center, Bangkok.
Sept 09-12, 2004 Digital Video Conference/Web Banner Training
Information Resource Center, Bangkok.
May 13-17, 2002 Basic IRC skills Work shop
East-Asia Information Resource Center, Bangkok.
25-27 Feb 1993 Train The Trainer part 2 (TTT 2)
Conducted by the trainer from Accor Office in BKK
Hotel Sofitel Cambodiana, Phnom Penh.
24-26 Jun 1992 Train The Trainer part 1 (TTT 1)
Conducted by the trainer from Accor Office in BKK .
Hotel Sofitel Cambodiana, Phnom Penh.
Khmer Mother tongue Mother tongue Mother Tongue
English Good Good Good
Sport, Travel, Reading, Watching TV
Operate Photocopier
Operate Fax machine
Computer (Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher, Access, Database)
Computer Repairing (Hardware & Software)
Chrea Vanrith Information Assistant.
American Embassy, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel 012 812454
Eng Po Information Resource Center Director
American Embassy, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel 012 944336
Ly Sakhoeun Resident Manager
Himawari Hotel, Phnom Penh Cambodia
Tel. 015 676111
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